Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Story

For the time being, I want to keep my story short and sweet. Later, when the time is right, I will share more.

February 6, 2008, Jon, my husband of nearly 9 years, died from complications from the flu. He left behind a 38 year old wife and three beautiful children ages 3, 4 & 7. Although I was rarely left alone, I was alone. Let me clear that up. My support system is fantastic. My family, my friends, my community, my neighbors, my church members, etc. All made sure my needs were met and for that I am eternally grateful. Still, I was alone. Alone in the sense that I knew of no one in my situation. Even though my own mother is a widow after losing my dad to lung cancer back in 2000, her situation is still different from mine. I am young. My children are very young. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints where family is the center of everything. I don't know anyone my age, in the church, who is widowed. Thankfully, I have found strength to carry on and make a happy life for my children, but it's not been an easy road, nor am I through with that journey. Far from finished.

Why am I here? One reason find others like me.

If you feel inclined, tell your story. Email me at and if you give permission, I will post your story on this blog.

Maybe together, we will not be so alone.